Friday, May 31, 2013

Exchange OWA/Outlook Anywhere Proxy with Squid

There are a good number of threads related to the setup of Squid to proxy Exchange OWA/Outlook Anywhere. I haven't found one yet that covers any of the issues that we have encountered and fixed so here it is.

As many others, we were out to find an alternative solution to proxying Outlook Anywhere. We already successfully setup Apache to support OWA, but management was putting pressure on us to support Outlook Anywhere as well. That requires the ability to proxy RPC over HTTP; something Apache currently will not do due to the fact that Microsoft's Implementation does not conform to the HTTP protocol standards.

Enter Squid. The Squid Proxy does have the ability to proxy RPC over HTTP. They have a howto on their website describing how to configure Squid to make it work. We followed their instructions towards our initial configuration. For the most part it worked, but discovered some problems along the way.

Our environment consists of a heterogeneous computer base. Most use Windows, others use Mac OSX or Linux. With regards to the Squid Proxy configuration, one configuration worked for the Windows users, while the other configuration only worked for Mac OSX users. The former seemed to worke for the OSX Outlook client but consistently gave a "disconnected from server" error. To fix that we had to add client_persistent_connections off  towards the top of the configuration file.

# Publish the RPCoHTTP service via SSL

client_persistent_connections off
http_port 80 accel
Our second problem was one where Squid would only process attachments smaller than 2 megabytes (mb). Our server was built using Redhat Enterprise Linux 6.4 running Squid3-3.3.3. During out testing we used tcpdump to peek at the traffic between the Squid proxy and the Exchange server. Tcpdump revealed the Exchange server setting the Window Size to zero (0) after ~2MB of data had been sent from the Squid server.

Our first thought was that this was a protocol issue brought upon by Squid. So we Installed a previous version of Squid (Squid3-3.2.9) on another server to test. Those tests were successful, so we installed version 3.2.9 on our to-be production server and it failed. The difference was that our test server was running RHEL 5.5 with OpenSSL 0.9.8e version while our future production server was running RHEL 6.4  with OpenSSL 1.0.0. Given that the amount of data sent was always the same, We concluded that this may a SSL certificate rekey issue. On a hunch we forced SSL to version 3 on the cache peer configuration line which fixed the problem by adding sslversion=3.

cache_peer %EXCHANGE_SERVER_FQDN% parent 443 0 no-query originserver login=PASS connection-auth=on ssl sslflags=DONT_VERIFY_PEER sslcafile=/etc/squid/ca01.crt sslversion=3 name=exchangeServer

The third issue was the use of free/busy calendar status in Outlook Anywhere. Free/busy, along with some other features, requires autodiscover to be configured and operating properly. Squid needs to be configured to forward autodiscover requests to the exchange server. This is rather simple. Just add your autodiscover FQDN to the ACL of permtted domains.

acl MS-OWA dstdomain

In the end there were only three changes that had to be made. But the trial and error was rather tedious. Along with the required changes we made a few other superficial modifications such as port 80 redirect, and squid manager access for stats collection. The final configuration looks as follows...

# Publish the RPCoHTTP service via SSL

client_persistent_connections off
http_port 80 accel
https_port %SQUID_IP_ADDR%:443 accel cert=/etc/squid/your_ssl.crt

cache_peer  %EXCHANGE_SERVER_FQDN% parent 443 0 no-query originserver login=PASS connection-auth=on ssl sslflags=DONT_VERIFY_PEER sslcafile=/etc/squid/ca01.crt sslversion=3 name=exchangeServer

#acl manager proto cache_object (OPTIONAL)
#for squidclient access
acl localhost src
http_access allow manager localhost
http_access deny manager

# ACL to allow your FQDNs 
acl MS-OWA dstdomain

# Redirect port 80 requests to port 443
acl port80 myport 80
http_access deny port80 MS-OWA
deny_info MS-OWA

cache_peer_access exchangeServer allow MS-OWA
cache_peer_access exchangeServer deny all
never_direct allow MS-OWA
cache deny all

# Lock down access to just the Exchange Server!
http_access allow MS-OWA
http_access deny all
miss_access allow MS-OWA
miss_access deny all

Last, but not least... Make sure to increase the available file handles for the squid user by editing /etc/security/limits.conf and adding the following and restarting Squid.

squid soft nofile 32768
squid hard nofile 32768

I hope this article was helpful!